IELTS Preparation Book
Practice with real exam simulations and improve all four skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking.
Strategies to reach your desired band score.
Diagnostic pre-tests and post-tests to measure progress.
Exercises focused on understanding exam question types.
Practice tests reflecting the real IELTS format.
🚚 No shipping available to countries outside of Mexico.
Practice with real exam simulations and improve all four skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking.
Strategies to reach your desired band score.
Diagnostic pre-tests and post-tests to measure progress.
Exercises focused on understanding exam question types.
Practice tests reflecting the real IELTS format.
🚚 No shipping available to countries outside of Mexico.
Practice with real exam simulations and improve all four skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking.
Strategies to reach your desired band score.
Diagnostic pre-tests and post-tests to measure progress.
Exercises focused on understanding exam question types.
Practice tests reflecting the real IELTS format.
🚚 No shipping available to countries outside of Mexico.